Diğer Eğitimler


  1. What is React Native?

    1. Abstracting React from the DOM

    2. Advantages of React Native

    3. React Native vs Web Apps

    4. React Native vs React web

  2. Getting started

    1. Installing React Native

    2. iOS setup – XCode

    3. Android setup – Android Studio

    4. Run an example project in iOS and Android simulators

  3. Debugging React Native Apps            

    1. Using the In-App Developer Menu

    2. Chrome Developer Tools

    3. Using the integrated debugger with an IDE

  4. HOOKS

    1. Introducing Hooks

    2. Using the State Hook

    3. Using the Effect Hook

    4. Rules of Hooks

  5. Components and APIs

    1. Basic Components

                                                              i.      View

                                                             ii.      Text

                                                           iii.      Image

                                                           iv.      TextInput

                                                             v.      ScrollView

                                                           vi.      ListView

                                                         vii.      StyleSheet

  1. Others Component

                                                              i.      ActivityIndicator

                                                             ii.      Alert

                                                           iii.      Animated

                                                           iv.      Dimensions

                                                             v.      KeyboardAvoidingView

                                                           vi.      Modal

                                                         vii.      StatusBar

                                                       viii.      RefreshControl

  1. Building Components            

    1. Reviewing JSX and React Component Basics

    2. RN Core Components

    3. Other Libraries (NativeBase) 

  2. State Management and Redux          

    1. Reviewing Redux

    2. Navigator and Redux Navigation

  3. Styling

    1. Issues with CSS

    2. Inline Styles

    3. Create Immutable style objects with Stylesheet.create

    4. Pass styles as props

    5. Positioning components with flexbox

  4. External Library Using

    1. Axios framework

    2. FastImage framework

    3. Popup Dialog framework

    4. Vector Icons framework

  5. Camera, Map and Location

    1. Using fetch to retrieve data

    2. Getting a user’s location and handling permissions

    3. Accessing stored photos with CameraRoll

    4. Adding animations

  6. Rest Api Using

    1. Network Requests

    2. Consuming APIs

    3. Network Error Handling

  7. Redux

    1. Introducing Redux

    2. actions

    3. reducers

    4. store

    5. Provider

  8. Platform Specific Code          

    1. Platform API

    2. Following UX Guidelines

    3. Native Extensions

  9. Deployment

    1. Deploying to Apple App Store

    2. Deploying to Android Play Store